

This command refines a zone, given by node set, of a hexahedral mesh. See the 2D version in **quad_refinement.


**hexa_refinement \(~\,\) *nset nset_name \(~\,\) *nb_layers nb_layer \(~\,\) *conserve_nsets \(~\,\) *refinement_direction dir \(~\,\) *orthoradial_refinement


The name of the nset defining the refinement zone.


Number of transition layers between refined/not refined zones. Accordingly, the mesh size in the refined zone is given by original size/3nb_layers.


Direction of refinement. By default, it is allowed to refine the mesh along all directions.


Orthoradial refinement using as axis the direction provided in *refinement_direction.


A flag to conserve pre-existing node sets.


Create elsets for the refined part of the mesh.


Example 1#

 ***mesh cube_4.geof
   *ncut 4
   *size 1.
 ***mesh refine_x0x1.geof
  **open cube_4.geof
  **nset x0x1
   *use_nsets x0 x1
   *nset x0x1
   *nb_layers 2

Another example can be found in ContactFlow_test/INP/create_mesh.inp.

Example 2#

***mesh plate_w_hole_refine.geof
 **open plate_w_hole.geof
  *distance 1.
  *num 1
  *nset layer_0-ext
  *nb_layers 2
  *refinement_direction (0. 0. 1.)

See **mesh_quarter_plate_hole to create plate_w_hole.geof file.