

This command aligns fasets such that their “normals” are aligned in the same direction sign-wise. The normals are still normal to the face.

The faset normal alignment is very important in order that boundary conditions (e.g. pressure) and contact surfaces are correctly defined.


This command is now replaced by the more general **bset_align (see bset align).


**faset_align \(~\,\) *faset faset1  …  fasetN \(~\,\) *normal direction \(~\,\) *towards point \(~\,\) *away_from point

The normal must be entered using vector notation (see conventions). If it is not entered at all, either the option *towards or *away_from must be entered with a “target” point entered in vector form.


The following is from the example problem Straw/LIN_PLASTIC/straw.inp

***mesh straw
 **open straw_base.geof
 **nset fix
  *point 0. -1. 0.
 **nset R0-surf
  *func (y>=0.0)*(y<=1.0);
 **nset R1-surf
  *func (y<=0.0)*(y>=-1.0);
 **bset target
  *use_nset nodes-ext
  *elset A2
 **faset_align *faset R6.1   *normal  (0. -1.0 0. )
 **faset_align *faset target *normal  (0. -1.0 0. )