

This command extends planar (2D or 3D shell/face) geometries into 3D through a sweep rotation. One may give an arbitrary rotation axis, point to make quite arbitrary sweeps. The method works for linear/quadratic meshes in the positive or negative rotation directions. Degenerate cases are handled (inside edge is on the axis, so the inner elements become pyramids, etc).

Extension may be given with different start/end meshes. In this case, the first mesh is swept forward, while the second swept back. The mid point nodes are the interpolation between the two. Please be careful concerning the order of elements between the two meshes (domains) in this case. Their topology must be equivalent.

If no elset is given the whole mesh will be used.

Note that sweep is derived from extension, thus shares most of its functionalities.


**sweep \(~\,\) [ *elset eset1 ] \(~\,\) [ *elset2 eset2 ] \(~\,\) [ *new_elset new-elset ] \(~\,\) [ *angle degrees-rotation ] \(~\,\) [ *num num ] \(~\,\) [ *prog progression ] \(~\,\) [ *axis dir-vec ] \(~\,\) [ *center cent-vec ] \(~\,\) [ *fusion dist ] \(~\,\) [ *create_faset ]

*elset eset1

defines the element set or faset which will be extended. There is no limitation on the type of elements or faces contained on the face. Mixed order is not allowed however. The default is all elements.

*elset2 eset2

This optional command makes the extension between two mesh/face sets as given. Note that the mesh topology must be exactly the same. This command is most useful with the mapped mesh domains available in Zmaster. The degenerate case of 2 edges being the same (so the extended mesh forms a wedge) is handled. Do not use *distance with this option.

*new_elset new-elset

This optional command gives the elset name for the created elements instead of being the same as the input name.


The angle to sweep through in degrees. May be positive or negative. The default is 360 degrees.


is the number of elements in the extension direction (default is 1 element).


Use this command to specify the rotation axis. in vector form. The default is (0. 1. 0.).


Use this command to specify the rotation center in vector form. The default is (0. 0. 0.).


specifies the distance below which 2 nodes are considered identical. Default value is that of the global parameter Mesher.MeshFusion.


The two facing sides of the extended mesh are created and named face.1 and face.2.