

This command runs the main Z-set program, which contains the installed modules if available (e.g. FEA, Mesher, Simulation and Optimization). Running with the -h switch will display all the installed problem types which are available in the current executable. Running with -H will show a much larger display of available commands.


% Zrun [options]problem   \(\hookleftarrow\)

  1. Basic control options



    -test_license <M>

    Check the license for the module <M> (by default the license fem is checked)

    -smp <cpu>

    Activate multithreading where available (OK for calcul and local post-processings)

    -mpi <np>

    Launch in parallel with a master process (limited to localhost, OK for calcul, post and glue). If calculations are being performed on a computing cluster, please reach out to system administrator).

    -mpimpi <np>

    Launch in parallel without master process (limited to localhost, not ok for glue)

    -N <num>

    run Nth instance of the problem (When multiple problems of the same type are defined within a single input file).

    -limit <t>

    Limit job CPU time to t seconds (only for some platforms).


    Use the ZeBaBa library.


    preload material input file (see Zpreload)


    read with native format (system format).


    do not read with native format.


    write using native format.


    do not write using native format.


    silent screen output.


    verbose mode (prints machine architecture, Global parameters and their values, material model variables, …).


    list all global parameters.


    outputs the keywords for all installed modules.


    print help


    The Z-set default format is big-endian. However, many modern processors use the little-endian format. The -Ni or -No switches can be used to specify the appropriate endianness to either read from Z-set data files or write to them using native system write/read functions.

  2. For debugging purposes, the following options are available


    run in debugger (gdb only)


    run debug version


    Run the debug version under ValGrind supervision


    Run the debug version under ValKyrie supervision


    Run the debug version under Intel Thread Checker supervision


    Run the debug version under Intel Memory Checker supervision

  3. Installed modules (usually specified in the input file with ****-level commands). To see all currently available modules use the -H switch.


    run batch mesher (****mesher).


    run a FE problem (****calcul).


    run optimizer (****optimize).


    post-processing (****post-processing).


    FE transfer problem (****fe_transfer).


    automatic mapping of 3D FE results on the surface mesh (****skin).


    to read and concatenate two or more FORGE result files, to produce a single Z-set results database.


    To glue/stitch subdomains’ results files into one file, after a parallel computation (****glue).


    run a simulation problem (****simulate).

    other type of problems.

    -B file .mast

    run Zmaster in a batch mode.


    run a Z-program script.


    In general, these switches are typically optional (except for -B). However, if several problems are defined in the same input file, the switch should specify which problem to be run. If problems of the same type are defined within a single input file, these switches can be combined with -N to specify the instance of the problem to run.

  4. Launch the graphical interface Zmaster


    run Zmaster GUI.

  5. Global parameters

    -s glob_param value

    modify the values of global parameters

    The list of global parameters and their default values can be printed using the switch -param_list or -v. For example, the Zmaster interface can be launched using wxWidgets toolkit with the command:

    Zrun -G -s Zmaster.Interface wx

    The value of several global parameters can be set using the syntax:

    -s glob_param1 value1 -s glob_param2 value2