Under the mesh description command we may specify the formulation used to satisfy the governing equations of the problem, including assumptions of a quasi-geometrical nature such as plane stress or plane strain conditions. The formulations possible in mechanical problems include classical small deformations, Total-Lagrangian, Updated-Lagrangian, or special cases such as the Cosserat continuum. Thermal problems do not have any alternate formulations.
The procedure also allows specifying a geometry file different than
The syntax for this command is summarized below:
[ element_type ]
\(~\,\) **file
\(~\,\) **elset
elset-name [ element_type ]
\(~\,~\,\) *section
\(~\,~\,~\,\) …
\(~\,\) **local_frame
\(~\,~\,~\,\) …
\(~\,\) **import
type fname
\(~\,\) **predefined
The argument element_type defines the type of element (its
formulation) which will be used throughout the element set in question.
The different types possible are described on the following pages. In
order to simply apply the element formulation to the whole structure,
fill in the element_type on the same line as the ***mesh
In order to define different element types for different regions of the
mesh, put the element_type keys after **elset
Note that plane element geometries in 2D require a specification of
element formulation in order to distinguish plane stress or plane
strain. The default element type only applies to axisymmetric geometries
in 2D. Element names with plane_strain
will enforce the
\(\epsilon_{33}=0\) condition, while elements with plane_stress
enforce \(\sigma_{33}=0\) 1Plane stress is imposed in Z-set using additional degrees of freedom,
and not at the material behavior level, although this exists too with
some of the behaviors (notably gen_evp
; see page ). For plane
stress behaviors, one must choose ironically plane_strain
element formulations..
elset-namesets the element formulation and possibly other characteristics for a given element set name. When used, no element formulation should be given after the
typethis elset sub-command assigns section properties to a shell mesh. See the separate pages following which describe the particular sections available (starting at page ).
Indicates that the mesh is in a file named other than problem
Indicates that the mesh file is in a separate file, and in a format other than native Z-set. It is normally recommended to use the batch mesher to translate the mesh before running the analysis (see page ).
Assigns a local frame to the degrees of freedom attached to an elset (see page following at ).
typePredefined elements may be used to quickly perform calculations on certain meshes. These are limited currently to single elements which can be used to quickly test and verify material behaviors. The predefined type type may be chosen from the following elements:
, andc3d20r
. One can useZrun -H
to see the installed predefined elements.
The elements will be defined in the positive quadrant in a rectangle or
cube form with its limits at 1. Two dimensional elements have liset and
nsets defined as bottom
, right
, top
, and left
In each calculation there may exist several different element types, and several different materials. Unfortunately, the dynamic structure of the program limits the ability to do exhaustive compatibility verification. Caution must therefore be given to the consistency of options within a calculation. The verification procedure will be improved in the next version of the code.
The following is an example of the “simple” use of ***mesh
to assign
the whole problem to be a plane stress case, with a single predefined
mesh as a 8 nodes 2D element.
***mesh plane_stress
**predefined c2d8
The second example is of a mesh stored in a fully qualified path name file, and two element sets with different element formulations.
**file /home/user/meshes/big_mesh.geof
**elset rubber_part total_lagrangian
**elset stiff small_deformation
Mechanical calculations#
The following are brief descriptions of the mechanical element formulations available:
Spring (or pinned truss) elements for one or 2 node geometries (
l2d1 l2d2 l3d1 l3d2
). This element requires that a valid spring material behavior be assigned to all such elements. The two node element realigns with the line between those two nodes, and is therefore non-linear.linear_spring
A linearized version of the spring element, so no non-linearities are introduced.
Mechanical elements in small deformation formulations. The integration volume is that of the initial structure, and significant rotations may cause erroneous calculation of the strain. The default 2D geometry is axisymmetric. Choosing the
option will enforce the \(\epsilon_{33}=0\) condition.plane_stress
Plane stress 2D element formulations. In order to be compatible with all material behaviors, this element adds degrees of freedom to each Gauss integration point which represent the strain \(\epsilon_{33}\). These DOFs are used to enforce zero surface pressure and therefore \(\sigma_{33}=0\). Relationships may however be defined using the MPC command in order to specify generalized plane strain conditions. Setting the
(\(\epsilon_{33}\)) DOF variable to be uniform over an elset yields zero overall applied pressure, but allows variation in the \(\sigma_{33}=0\) field. The \(3\)-direction strain will of course be uniform.small_deformation_updated
Identical to the non
formulations but using the geometry at the end of an increment as the integration volume. This produces non-linear structural behavior even with linear behavior models.small_deformation_select_int
Special version of small deformation elements for linear interpolation to solve the problem of strong local variations or oscillations in the stress fields (esp. pressure terms).
Shell elements formulated using the so-called “continuum based shell” assumption: the mechanical response of the shell element is computed using an underlying 3D volumic element whose geometrical configuration is dynamically constructed at runtime by the mother shell element. See for instance the corresponding chapter in the book: {em Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures}, T. Belytschko, W.-K. Liu and B. Moran, Wiley. This element type uses 5 degrees of freedom per node: three displacements
, and two rotationsW1
. Thus the rotation is assumed to be continuous along the shell. Note that you must also give the initial thickness of the shell for this elset, using the following syntax:
**elset shell_part cb_shell
*thickness 0.1
Elements formulated for large displacement using Total-Lagrangian assumptions. These elements do not have any straining under rigid body motions.
Incompressible elements in large displacements. The formulation is a mixed pressure-displacement Total-Lagrangian method with degrees of freedom for the pressure at certain nodes.
Incompressible elements in large displacements. The formulation is a mixed pressure-displacement Total-Lagrangian method with a single pressure degree of freedom per element.
Updated Lagrangian element formulation for finite strain calculations. Must be used in the finite strain case for materials with internal variables such as metal plasticity or porous plastic materials. This element type slt/must/ be used in conjunction with behaviors modified for updated Lagrangian methods (see the command
periodic elements in axisymmetric, 3D, or plane strain. These elements allow one to impose the mean stress values for a periodic cell. Note that the displacement field that is saved by default is the {em total} displacement field and {em not} only its the periodic part. You can override this choice and save only the periodic part by appending after the
keyword:periodic_info **periodic_displacement_field
Continuous mechanical element small displacement, small rotation - 3D only. This element combined with an appropriate behavior such as a smallw crystal can be used to model texture evolution in a crystal for moderate deformations.
two and one half dimension elements. These use a 3D material law with a 2D geometry. There are six degrees of freedom per Gauss point (element DOFs) \([ t_1~t_2~t_3 ]\) and \([ w_1~w_2~w_3 ]\). The structures displacement field is:
\[\vect u\left( x,y,z\right) =\vect u_0\left( x,y,z\right) + \vect u_1\left( x,y\right)\]\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} u^x &=&u_1^x+zt_1-w_3\left( y-Y_0\right) z \\ u^y &=&u_1^y+zt_2+w_3\left( x-X_0\right) z \\ u^z &=&u_1^z+zt_3+w_1\left( y-Y_0\right) z-w_2\left( x-X_0\right) z \end{aligned}\end{split}\]With this element, one can use full 3D material behaviors, and fix out of plane degrees of freedom. The values of \(X_0\) and \(Y_0\) are modified through the
command.2_5D periodic
It is a small deformation periodic 2_5D element. These use a 3D material law with a periodic 2D geometry The displacement field is searched for in the form
\[\vect u(x,y,z) = \ten E \cdot \vect x + z\vect t +z\vect w \wedge (\vect x-\vect x_0) + \vect U(x,y)\]with \(\vect x_0(x_0,y_0,0)\) and \(E_{11}, E_{22}, E_{12}\) are the only non-vanishing components of \(\ten E\). The nodal dof are \(U_1, U_2\). The element dof are \(E_{11}, E_{22}, E_{12},t_1,t_2,t_3,w_1,w_2,w_3\). The previous equation is now written in components:
\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} u_1 &=& E_{11}x + E_{12}y + zt_1 - w_3z(y-y_0) + U_1(x,y) \nonumber \\ u_2 &=& E_{12}x + E_{22}y + zt_2 + w_3z(x-x_0) + U_2(x,y) \nonumber \\ u_3 &=& z t_3 - w_2z(x-x_0)+w_1z(y-y_0) \nonumber \end{aligned}\end{split}\]The gradient of the displacement field is:
\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} u_{1,1} & u_{1,2} & u_{1,3} \\ u_{2,1} & u_{2,2} & u_{2,3} \\ u_{3,1} & u_{3,2} & u_{3,3} \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} E_{11}+U_{1,1} & E_{12}+U_{1,2}-w_3 z & t_1-w_3(y-y_0) \\ E_{12}+U_{2,1}+w_3z & E_{22}+U_{2,2} & t_2+w_3(x-x_0) \\ -w_2z & w_1z & t_3+w_1(y-y_0)-w_2(x-x_0) \end{array} \right] \nonumber \end{aligned}\end{split}\]The associated strain field is:
\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} \varepsilon_{11} & \varepsilon_{12} & \varepsilon_{31} \\ - & \varepsilon_{22} & \varepsilon_{23} \\ - & - & \varepsilon_{33} \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} E_{11}+U_{1,1} & E_{12}+(U_{1,2}+U_{2,1})/2 & (t_1-w_3(y-y_0)-w_2 z)/2 \\ - & E_{22}+U_{2,2} & (t_2+w_3(x-x_0)+w_1z)/2 \\ - & - & t_3+w_1(y-y_0)-w_2(x-x_0) \end{array} \right] \nonumber \end{aligned}\end{split}\]pressure
Fluid interface mesh pressure elements.
Mechanical elements modified for the Cosserat continuum. This method adds DOFs at each node for an independent micro-polar rotation named
. This method allows limitation of localization under shear deformation in strain-softening materials. The method uses a characteristic material length which must be input in the material definition, and the behavior must be modified for the Cosserat formulation (see the***behavior
Thermal calculations#
For thermal calculations, the type of element is completely defined by
the geometry given in the .geof
file. The ***mesh
command should
thus only be used if an alternate geometry file name is to be used.