

The **interface_heat BC option is used to impose an inter-facial heat transfer with thermal resistance between two line set boundaries in 2D, or two face set boundaries in 3D. The inter-facial flux will be calculated as:


where \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) are the temperature at each side of the interface.

The two interfaces must be in geometrical correspondence, which may be summarized as follows:

  • A line or face at one side of the interface must correspond to exactly one line or face on the other side of the interface.

  • The nodes in the lines or faces in correspondence must be paired exactly one to one. For this to be true, it is necessary that the distance between two corresponding nodes be inferior than the distance \(\epsilon\). In result of this requirement is the fact that all nodes which are not in correspondence have a separation distance greater than \(\epsilon\).

This keyword replaces the now deprecated keyword **fluconv_interface.


**interface_heat group1  group2 \(\epsilon\) \(~\,~\,\) h a


Character name for the first line set group in 2D, or face set group in 3D.


Character name for the second line set group in 2D, or face set group in 3D.


Real value for the critical distance between nodes.


Base value (real) for the value of the coefficient \(a\). The coefficient a may depend on the temperature for this condition.

The syntax required for an inter-facial convection resistance condition with this dependence is given below:

**interface_heat  group \(~\,~\,\) h    temperature \(~\,~\,\) h0   T0 \(~\,~\,\) h1   T1 \(~\,~\,\) h2   T2 \(~\,~\,\)\(~\,~\,\) Te   Te table

The keyword **interface_heat and the two following lines must be repeated as many times as there are convective flux boundary conditions.


**interface_heat liset1 liset2 0.001
   h   100.0