

This mesher deforms the active mesh via results taken from a previous analysis. It is a simple implementation assuming 1-1 correlation between the meshes. It can be used to load any types of displacement results, but is most commonly used to create bucking analysis imperfections via the modes of a previous eigen solution.


The command has the following syntax:

**deform_mesh \(~\,\) *map solution-no \(~\,\) *input_problem pb_name \(~\,\) *magnitude disp \(~\,\) *format fmt


gives the solution format to use for deforming the mesh. These can be any of the ones with a valid results database implementation (see e.g. translate ).


The prefix name of the problem results which will be used for the deformation.


specifies the solution or map number from the results file which will be used to get the deforming displacements. It must be one listed in the .ut file. The default is to take the last output available.


the scale factor for the displacements to be applied to the mesh. The default is \(1\).


An example for deforming a mesh with a previous Eigen solution follows:

 ***mesh buckle.geof
  **open T_54_9.geof
   *map 1
   *input_problem lanczos
   *magnitude 0.05

A second example deals with the deformation of the mesh of a 2D beam following a 4-point bending.

 ***mesh deformed_beam.geof
  **open beam2D.geof
   *map 10
   *input_problem 4point_bending.ut
   *magnitude 1.