

This boundary condition is used to impose a surface pressure calculated based on the updated (deformed) geometry, i.e. based on the geometry at the end of each increment (compare this to ***bc **pressure ). Hydro pressure will be defined according to the geometrical normal of a line set in 2D or a face set in 3D.

The pressure imposed on a body is applied in the direction of the surface’s normal 1You may verify a bset’s normals in Zmaster, and change them with the mesher bset_align.. For instance to model a solid submerged in fluid, the pressure’s value should be negative if the mesh uses the convention of outwards normals, and positive if normals point inwards.

See also **hydro_finite_strain.


**hydro bset value [ table ]


This is the character name of a boundary set, i.e. a line set for 2D problems or a face set in 3D problems.


Real value for the base or scaling value of the hydrostatic pressure. The table value is scaled by this factor to calculate the pressure at a given time.


Character name for a valid loading table or tables which will describe the pressure in time.


Consider a c2d4 element. The displacement of bottom nodes 1 and 2 in both directions is set to 0. The pressure is applied on the top boundary set, which length is reducing with time due to the displacement U1 applied on nodes 3 and 4.

 **fix_all_dof 1 2
    3 U1 -0.3 time
    4 U1 0.3 time
 %**pressure top -10. time
   **hydro top -10. time

The value of applied forces depends on the surface as \(force = pressure\times surface\). Since **hydro takes into account the updated position of nodes (3 and 4), the surface on which the pressure is applied diminishes. Hence, the applied force in case of **hydro is lower compared to **pressure.



This boundary condition is similar to the **hydro boundary condition: it applies a surface pressure calculated on the updated (deformed) geometry. Both conditions apply the same loading forces.

hydro_finite_strain computes the exact (non-symmetric) tangent matrix by perturbation, whereas hydro only computes a (symmetric) approximation of the tangent matrix. Both conditions add non-linearities to the problem. Thus, hydro_finite_strain has a better convergence rate, at the expense of additional computational cost (especially noticeable if this condition is the only one that adds non-symmetric terms to the tangent matrix).


**hydro_finite_strain bset value [ table ]


This is the character name of a boundary set, i.e. a line set for 2D problems or a face set in 3D problems.


Basic value for the base or scaling value of the hydrostatic pressure. The table value is scaled by this factor to calculate the pressure at a given time.


Character name for a valid loading table or tables which will describe the pressure in time.


The following example is taken from $Z7TEST/Hyperelastic_test/INP/ring-axi.inp:

  % [...]
 **no_symmetrize   % mandatory for hydro_finite_strain

   upstream   -40.1e5 time
   tip        -40.0e5 time
   downstream -40.0e5 time