

Results management is a utility to rewrite Z-set output files, after a computation or after a post-processing.

It can extract some maps from a computation, thus reducing output files size to only those maps that are necessary for archiving. It may also pick some variables, discarding unnecessary ones.

For example, a user may want to output all strain components during a computation, in order to assert its validity; then after this verification, only keep the cumulated plastic strain at a few maps to continue with some post-processing while saving disk space.

Results management may also concatenate two or more computations, to produce a single results database.

The execution command is:

Zrun -resm file.inp

It will store results as file.ut, file.node, file.integ.


This utility works as follows:

****results_management \(~\,\) ***add fname1 \(~\,~\,\) [ *list_var var-names ] \(~\,~\,\) [ *out_var outvar-names ] \(~\,~\,\) [ *output_number map-numbers ] \(~\,~\,\) [ *output_times time range ] \(~\,~\,\) [ *post ] [ ***add fname2 ... ] [ ***only_check_number_nodes_elements ]


specifies which file contains the original data. Use multiple add to combine their databases together.


specifies which variables are copied. It can be either nodal or integration points variables. Each component of vectorial or tensorial variables must be specified.


if specified, is a translation for each input variable name.


specifies the selected maps. One may use single values or ranges. For example valid map-numbers would be: 2, or 4-10, or 1-100-2 (every odd map between 1 and 100, 100 being excluded).


specifies the selected times ranges with time increment. For example valid times would be: 4.-10.-2. selects the maps just before 4., 6., 8. and 10.


process post-processing results (i.e. work on problem.utp instead of problem.ut)


allows an “unsafe” use of results_management. By default, it verifies that all added databases share the same mesh. Use this option to replace this verification by a simple assertion that the mesh sizes (number of nodes and elements) are compatible; the user should be sure that the concatenation operation is still meaningful.


The following example extracts maps 10,12,14,16,18 from a computation:

 ***add square1      % from square1.inp ...
  *list_var sig11
  *output_number 10-20-2

The following example is from $Z7TEST/Transfer_test/INP/results_management.inp. It will create a single map, combining 2 output variables (sig11 and eto11), read from two different computations (square1 and square2 respectively):

 ***add square1      % from square1.ut ...
  *list_var sig11    % ... extract sig11
  *output_number 2   % ... at the 2nd map

 ***add square2      % ... and combine this with square2.ut results
  *list_var eto11
  *output_number 2

The following example will create 2 maps, with 2 output variables

 ***add square1
  *list_var sig11
  *output_number 1

 ***add square2
  *list_var eto11
  *output_number 2

The following example extracts maps corresponding to times just before (or at) 1. 2. 3. 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

 ***add square1      % from square1.inp ...
  *list_var U1 U2 U3 sig11
  *output_times 1.-4.-1.
  *output_times 4.-4.5-0.1