

This command creates node sets (nsets) required to apply periodicity boundary conditions on unit cells. It outputs the MPCs conditions to be applied on the periodic unit cell (after ***equation).


**nset_for_cell \(~\,\) [ *name cell_name] \(~\,\) [ *nset nset ] \(~\,\) [ *prec tolerance] \(~\,\) *b0 (vector) \(~\,\) *b1 (vector) \(~\,\) [ *b2 (vector) ] \(~\,\) [ *faces face1 face2faceN faceN+1 ]


is the name prefix of the generated nsets. The default name is cell.


is the target node set. By default nset = ALL_NODE.


a tolerance to check if the found matching nodes are periodic according to periodicity vectors.

*b0, *b1 and *b2

are the periodicity vectors.


is the pairs of faces. If pair faces are not provided, the algorithm will iterate on all mesh edges to find the matching nodes and this may slow it down.


An example showing the use of this command in 3D is provided in $Z7TESTS/Program_test/Master_test/INP/elastic_periodic.inp

 ***mesh elastic_periodic
  **open cellule2d.geof
    *prec 0.001
    *name per
    *b0 (1.800000e+00 1.900000e+00  0.)
    *b1 (-1.800000e+00  1.900000e+00 0.)

The output is

Periodicity boundary conditions:
**mpc1 per1 U1
**mpc1 per1 U2
**mpc2 per2 U1 per3 U1
**mpc2 per2 U2 per3 U2