
This command serves as a launching script for Samcef/Z-mat coupled simulations. The script requires the environment variable SAMCEF_ROOT to be defined, which specifies the directory where the Samcef software is installed. Users should replace the Zsamcef library provided within the SAMCEF distribution (version 15 and later) with the version included in the Z-set distribution:

  • on Windows 64:

    % copy %Z7PATH%\Zsamcef\lib\v15-17\Zsamcef.dll %SAMCEF_ROOT%\Exec
  • on Linux 64 :

    % cp %Z7PATH%/Zsamcef/lib/v15-17/Zsamcef.so %SAMCEF_ROOT%/share

SAMCEF/Z-mat jobs are launched via the Zsamcef command line script as:

% Zsamcef [options] problem.dat

-np <cpu>

run using multiple cpu option (MPI)

-mpi <cpu>

run using multiple cpu option (same as -np option)

-smp <threads>

run using multiple threads (with Mumps solver)


silent mode

-mod <me|as>

me for Mecano module, and as for Asef module.


redirect the output messages to the prob.out file


print help

Upon completion of the simulation the user can use Zmaster to visualize the results stored in sdb/u18 format:

% Zmaster problem_me.sdb