

This mesher generates MPCs to establish relationships between degrees of freedom for periodic computations. It creates also appropriate node sets to apply the MPCs.


**periodic_paires \(~\,\) *direction dir1 \(~\,\)\(~\,\) *direction dirN \(~\,\) *dof_names dof1 … dofN \(~\,\) *tolerance tol \(~\,\) *filename suffix


Specifies the directions of periodicity.


Specifies degrees of freedom on which periodic boundary conditions should be applied. By default, only the displacement is considered (U1, U2, U3).


tolerance to search paired nodes (default value 1e-6).


Suffix name of the file (or files for multiple DOFs) that contains MPCs. By default U.pbc.


  *direction (0. 2. 0.)
  *direction (1.6180 1. 0.)
  *direction (1.6180 -1. 0.)

The output of this command is a file named U.pbc that contains MPCs to be added in the input file:

**mpc2 periodic_0 U1 periodic_1 U1
**mpc2 periodic_0 U2 periodic_1 U2
**mpc2 periodic_0 U3 periodic_1 U3
**mpc2 periodic_2 U1 periodic_3 U1
**mpc2 periodic_2 U2 periodic_3 U2
**mpc2 periodic_2 U3 periodic_3 U3
**mpc2 periodic_2 U1 periodic_4 U1
**mpc2 periodic_2 U2 periodic_4 U2
**mpc2 periodic_2 U3 periodic_4 U3