

The radius condition imposes an indentation profile of constant radius. The condition is valid only in 3D mechanical problems with the radius profile in the U2 direction.

The radius profile is applied as the inverse of the radius during deformation. This allows a zero radius (flat surface) to be deformed in sequence to the given radius. The surface is therefore tightened into the radial form. The exact expression used to calculate the radius at the increment \(i\) between the start of a sequence \(s\) and the end \(e\) is:

\[\frac{1}{R_i} = \frac{1}{R_s} + \frac{i}{N_{inc}} \left( \frac{1}{R_s} - \frac{1}{R_e} \right)\]

with \(N_{inc}\) the number of increments in the sequence.

If the radius value is positive, the center of the deformation profile will be located in the negative \(z\) space. The inverse statement is of course true as well.


The radial condition takes the following syntax:

**radius nset_name value [ table ]


The character name of the node set upon which the condition is applied. This node set must be defined in the plane \(z=0\).


Base value (real) for the radius. The base value is a multiplicative scale for the table values at all times.


Character name for the table which describes the condition’s magnitude.


An example can be found in $Z7PATH/TESTS/Static_test/INP/zradius.inp.

   surface  100.0 time