

This behavior 1this behavior is Z-set specific, and therefore does not apply for Z-mat for other codes is used for the special problem of interface debonding. See the command **create_interface_elements (and similar) in the Z-set user manual on how to insert cohesive elements in the mesh. The Crisfield model 2Alfano G. and Crisfield M. A., “Finite element interface models for the delamination analysis of laminated composites: mechanical and computational issues.”, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 50 (2001), 1701-1736. is described through a scalar variable \(\lambda\), which characterizes the relative crack opening:

\[\begin{aligned} \lambda=\frac{1}{\eta}\frac{\left\langle \kappa \right\rangle} {1+\left\langle \kappa \right\rangle}, & \kappa=\sqrt{\left( \frac{\left \langle u_N \right \rangle}{u_{0N}} \right)^2 + \left( \frac{\Vert \vec{u}_T \Vert}{u_{0T}} \right)^2 }-1, & \eta=1-\frac{u_{0N}} {\delta_{N}}=1-\frac{u_{0T}}{\delta_{T}}, \end{aligned}\]

where \(\left\langle x \right\rangle =x\) if \(x>0\) and \(\left\langle x \right\rangle =0\) if \(x \leq 0\). With respect to the interface normal \(\vec{n}\), \(\vec{u}_N = \left( \vec{u} \cdot \vec{n} \right) \vec{n} \equiv u_N \vec{n}\) and \(\vec{u}_T \equiv \vec{u} - \vec{u_N}\) denote, respectively, the normal and shear opening displacements and \(\delta_N\) and \(\delta_T\) the corresponding maximum allowable values of their norms. The parameters \(u_{0N}\) and \(u_{0T}\) denote, respectively, the opening displacements corresponding to the maximum cohesive traction of the normal and shear components. The damage variable \(\lambda_{max}\), which is the maximum value of \(\lambda\) reached up until the current instant, increases from 0 (no damage) to 1 (for a broken element). In this model the ratios \(\frac{u_{0N}}{\delta_{N}}\) and \(\frac{u_{0T}} {\delta_{T}}\) have to be the same. The normal and shear components of the cohesive traction \(\vec{T}\), i.e. \(\vec{T}_N = \left( \vec{T} \cdot \vec{n} \right) \vec{n} \equiv T_N \vec{n}\) and \(\vec{T}_T = \vec{T} - \vec{T}_N\), are defined by:

\[\begin{aligned} T_N = \frac{u_N}{u_{0N}} F(\lambda_{max}), & \vec{T}_T = \alpha \frac{\vec{u}_T}{u_{0T}} F(\lambda_{max}), & F(\lambda) = \sigma_{max} \left( 1 - \lambda \right), \end{aligned}\]

with \(\alpha\) a constant representing the relative magnitude of \(\Vert \vec{T}_T \Vert\) with respect to \(T_N\), and \(\sigma_{max}\) the maximum stress allowable by the element. For the compressive case, where \(u_N<0\), the normal component of the traction is modified to

\[\begin{aligned} T_N & = & \alpha_c \frac{u_N}{u_{0N}} F(0), \end{aligned}\]

with \(\alpha_c\) a penalization factor. In the literature, \(\alpha_c\) usually is at least \(10\alpha\). Fig. 13 illustrates the typical response of the cohesive zone model under specific loads, for the parameters as given in the example.


Fig. 13 Example in two dimensions of the evolution of the cohesive traction as a function of the opening displacement, for two different loading cases: \(u_N(t)\) with \(u_T(t)=0\) (thick red curves), and \(u_T(t)\) with \(u_N(t)=0\) (thin green curves). Top left: applied load \(u(t)\). Note: for \(2 \leq t \leq 4\) s, the applied loading becomes negative (but the response \(u_N\) remains \(0\) because of an implicit non-penetration condition). Top right: response \(T(t)\). Bottom left: \(\lambda_{max}(t)\). Bottom right: \(u(t)\) vs \(T(t)\)#


***behavior crisfield_debonding \(~\,~\,~\,\) sigmax \(\sigma_{max}\) \(~\,~\,~\,\) u0n \(U_{0N}\) \(~\,~\,~\,\) u0t \(U_{0T}\) \(~\,~\,~\,\) deltan \(\delta_n\) \(~\,~\,~\,\) deltat \(\delta_t\) \(~\,~\,~\,\) alpha \(\alpha\) \(~\,~\,~\,\) alphac \(\alpha_c\)


***behavior crisfield_debonding
   sigmax  100.
   u0n       1.e-6
   u0t       1.e-6
   deltan    1.e-5
   deltat    1.e-5
   alpha     1.
   alphac    1.e3