

This command creates the mesh (1/8) of a cube with a spherical cavity.


**mesh_sphere_in_cube \(~\,\) *ncut_radius nc_r \(~\,\) *ncut_theta nc_t \(~\,\) *size_cube half_edge \(~\,\) *radius_sphere radius \(~\,\) *nb_reg nlayer \(~\,\) [ *quad ]


Number of subdivisions along the radius.


Number of subdivisions along \(\theta\).


Edge length/2 of the cube.


Radius of the sphere.


is the number (integer) of layers with the same hole roundness. It allows a smooth transtion of mesh roundness away from the cavity.


Quadratic interpolation (by default, it is linear).


 ***mesh eight.geof
   *ncut_radius 10
   *ncut_theta 10
   *size_cube 1.00000
   *radius_sphere 0.400000
   *nb_reg 3

 ***mesh quarter.geof
  **open eight.geof
   *type plane
   *normal (-1. 0. 0.)
   *add eight.geof

 ***mesh half.geof
  **open quarter.geof
   *type plane
   *normal (0. 0. -1)
   *add quarter.geof

 ***mesh sphere_in_cube.geof
  **open half.geof
   *type plane
   *normal (0. -1. 0.)
   *add half.geof