This page summarizes the conventions used for the Z-set input files. An overview of the general command syntax (command hierarchies) is given in the beginning of the Examples/Training manual.
Running of Z-set modules generally requires that a “problem name” be given. Most input and output data files are based on this name with a variety of suffixes attached. Henceforth, problem will often be used to indicate the problem name given while running the commands.
The characters
indicate that the rest of the line is a comment. For example:***load % external problem loading
There are no abbreviations allowed in the use of keywords. All keywords and command names must be written entirely.
The admissible characters for the names of user variables are:
a-z, A-Z, ", +, -, *, ., =,
, _, ), (, ’134, ’176/The text entry is always case-sensitive.
The use of braces
[ ]
in the syntax descriptions indicates an option with a default definition.All parameter values used in the input files and described as “real” in the syntax descriptions must have a decimal point. All standard specifications of floating point values are accepted. Two examples of real values are:
3.0 4.2e-5
The use of parenthesis
indicates data input of real values in vector form. An example is:(0.1 0.2 1.0)
. In most cases the size of such vectors must be compatible with the overall problem dimension.
The symbol indicates a section where the calculation is sensitive to input data or format.