

This command is used to tetrahedralize a mesh (i.e. transform all its c3d8 or c3d8r elements to c3d4).



The command has the following syntax:

**hexa_to_tetra \(~\,\) [ *elset elset-name ]


restricts the operation to the named elset


There is currently another mesher that has the same objective: hexa_only_to_tetra. The latter’s main advantage is that it tries to keep a conforming mesh (i.e. cuts the faces coherently between two adjacent elements). This cutting operation is not trivial, nor always possible. So you should always check the result to see if the resulting mesh is conforming. Currently it only knows how to handle c3d8, doesn’t have the *elset option, and doesn’t update the bsets and elsets accordingly (nsets are unchanged by the cutting operation).


The command has the following syntax:

**hexa_only_to_tetra [ *seed ] element-rank [ *talkative ]


selects which element should be started with (default is the first element).


produces more output (verbose), useful if something goes wrong.


 ***mesh plaque_tetra.geof
  **open plaque.geof
   *seed 4561
   *talkative 1