***linear_solver dd_feti#


This keyword specifies that the FETI domain decomposition method is used to solve the linear system of equations involved in the global step of the Newton-Raphson algorithm. FETI stands for Finite Element Tearing and Interconnecting. Zset has several implementations of the FETI method, this keyword refers to the lastest implementation made by C. Bovet, A. Parret-Fréaud and P. Gosselet.


This solver accepts the following commands.

[**solver_config predefined_config ] [**precond type ] [**scaling type ] [**projector_schur type ] [**projector_scaling type ] [**local_solver local_solver ] [**iterative_solver iterative_solver ] [**acceleration acceleration ]


activates some predefined configuration for the preconditionner (see precond and scaling) and for the projector (see projector_schur and projector_scaling). It can take these four values secure, moderate, fast, aggressive. The following table gives the sets. In most cases, secure is the most robust choice. In term of iterations, it converges faster than moderate, which converges faster than fast which in turn is faster than aggressive. However, in terms of computational time, the performance may be problem dependent as the cost per iteration is decreasing with respect to the previous ordeer. Default value is secure.


























Please note that, if aggressive is chosen, the CG algorithm exploits the CG short recurrence for orthogonalization. It may lead to a loss of search directions orthogonality caused by numerical round-off error.


specifies the operator used during preconditioning. type can take these three values full (i.e. dirichlet preconditioning \(\hat{\bf S} = \bf S = \bf K_{bb} - \bf K_{bi} \bf K_{ii}^{-1} \bf K_{ib}\)), lumped (i.e. lumped preconditioning \(\hat{\bf S} = \bf K_{bb}\)), super_lumped (i.e. super lumped preconditioning \(\hat{\bf S} = \operatorname{diag}\left(\bf K_{bb}\right)\)). Those three values are sorted in descending order regarding the both the efficiency and the computational cost of the preconditionning step. Thus, the choice is a balance between the total number of iteration needed to reach convergence and the unitary cost of an interation. Default value is full.


specifies the scaling used during preconditioning. type can take these three values none (i.e. no scaling), topological (i.e. scaling based on multiplicity of interface nodes), stiffness (i.e. scaling based on the diagonal stiffness matrix terms of interfaces nodes). Stiffness scaling is strongly advised whenever the computation involves material heterogeneities. Default value is stiffness.


specifies the operator used to build the coarse space projector. type can take four values. The first one is none (i.e. standard orthogonal projector). The three others values are full, lumped and super_lumped. These three values produce an oblique projector. The meaning of these values is the same than in the **precond keyword. Default value is full.


specifies the scaling used to build the projector. It can take the same values than the scaling keyword. Default value is stiffness.


specifies the solver used to solve problems defined in each subdomain. The following direct solvers are availables: mumps and dissection. The wrappers rigid_geometric and advanced_detection, which handle kernel detection through a geometric approach, can also be used. As the proper kernel detection and treatment of the floating subdomains operator is a crucial aspect in the convergence of FETI methods, proper choice of the local solver is mandatory. The wrappers rigid_geometric and advanced_detection are known to be more **iterative_solver specifies the iterative solver used to solve the global problem defined at the interface. robust regarding kernel detection and therefore should be preferred in problem involving multi material or complex geometries. Options can be passed to local_solver in a similar manner as in its standalone invocation, but please note that you have to add the keyword no_option as argument to mumps or dissection if you want to use it without extra options (e.g. **local_solver mumps no_option). The default value is set to rigid_geometric.


specifies the iterative solver used to solve the global problem defined at the interface. The following values are available whithin dd_feti context: ddcg. For symmetric positive definite problems, you may consider use ddcg, which is the implementation of a conjugate gradient algorithm. Available iterative solvers names and commands are detailed in the **iterative_solver section on . Default value is ddcg.


allows to reuse search space across Newton steps and/or iterations, it may be useful for ill conditioned nonlinear simulations. Please note that this feature is still experimental. Available acceleration names and commands are detailed in the **acceleration section


The example below shows the use of the FETI solver associated with the conjugate gradient iterative solver. Once again, there is default values for all keywords but you may be interested in modifying specific values.

***linear_solver dd_feti
 **solver_config moderate
 **iterative_solver ddcg
  *precision 1.e-10
  *output_every_iter 10
  *max_iteration 1000
**local_solver mumps no_option

The example below shows the use the rigid_geometric wrapper for null space detection. It also shows detailed configuration.

***linear_solver dd_mpfeti
 **precond full
 **scaling topological
 **projector_schur sumper_lumped
 **projector_scaling topological
 **iterative_solver ddcg
  *precision 1.e-10
  *output_every_iter 10
  *max_iteration 1000
**local_solver rigid_geometric
 *local_solver mumps no_option