Post Processing#

It is very easy to write a local post processing criterion using zLanguage. Just write your script assuming that two global variables of type VECTOR already exists (named in and out). For instance to compute mises norm, one can use :


  i.resize(4); i[0]="sig11"; i[1]="sig22"; i[2]="sig33"; i[3]="sig12";

ARRAY<STRING> output()

  o.resize(1); o[0]="z7pmises";

void compute()
  TENSOR2 sigma;
  global double max_mises,min_mises;
  double mises;

  if(out[0]<min_mises) min_mises=out[0];
  if(out[0]>max_mises) max_mises=out[0];

Then write a “classical” post-processing input file :

    **elset ALL_ELEMENT
    **output_number 1-2
    **file integ
    **process z7p
      *program post.z7p

Input components are automatically extracted using the script function called input; output components are taken from function output.

It is also possible to supply two additional function in your script file : void initialize() and void destroy() which are called just before and just after executing the post computation. It allows for instance global variables initialization (before computation) and printing (after).

Global post processing#

It is also possible to write global post processing scripts. You only have to assume that two global variables are defined : ape and apn which are arrays of POST_ELEMENT and of POST_NODE. The input file is exactly the same (except for the global options) :

    **elset ALL_ELEMENT
    **output_number 1-2
    **file integ
    **process z7p
      *program post.z7p

The script file could be, for instance (it computes and prints the maximum and minimum values of mises stress over the mesh) :


  i.resize(4); i[0]="sig11"; i[1]="sig22"; i[2]="sig33"; i[3]="sig12";

ARRAY<STRING> output()

  o.resize(1); o[0]="z7pmises";

void initialize()
  global double max_mises,min_mises;

  max_mises=-MAX_DOUBLE; min_mises=MAX_DOUBLE;

void destroy()
  global double max_mises,min_mises;
  Zfstream f;

  ("Max mises ="+max_mises+endl).print();
  ("Min mises ="+min_mises+endl).print();
  f<<max_mises<<" "<<min_mises<<endl;

void compute()
  int i,j;
  TENSOR2 sigma;
  global double max_mises,min_mises;
  double mises;

  for(i=0;i<!ape;i=i+1) {
    for(j=0;j<ape[i].nb_idata();j=j+1) {
      if(mises<min_mises) min_mises=mises;
      if(mises>max_mises) max_mises=mises;

Post processing end user objects#

  • INTEG_DATA : represents datas coming from .integ or .ctnod file (ie finite element results at integration points)

    Operators : none

    Methods : none

    Members :

    • VECTOR out : the result vector. Its size should be equal to the number of components declared in function output

    • VECTOR data : the input vector. Its size should be equal to the number of components declared in function input

  • NODE_DATA : represents datas coming from .node file (ie finite element results at nodes)

    Operators : none

    Methods : none

    Members :

    • VECTOR out : the result vector. Its size should be equal to the number of components declared in function output

    • VECTOR data : the input vector. Its size should be equal to the number of components declared in function input

  • POST_NODE : an entity to store nodal datas

    Operators :

    • int operator!() : return the number of attached NODE_DATA

    Methods :

    • POST_NODE data(int n) : return the nth NODE_DATA object

    Members : none

  • POST_ELEMENT : an entity to store element datas

    Operators : none

    Methods :

    • int nb_idata() : return the number of integ datas (should be equal to the number of integration points)

    • int nb_ndata() : return the number of ctnod datas (should be equal to the number of nodes)

    • ELEM_DATA idata(int n) : return the nth integ data

    • ELEM_DATA ndata(int n) : return the nth ctnod data

    • void start(MATRIX elem_coord) : starts an element loop

    • void next(MATRIX elem_coord) : next integration point in the element loop

    • int ok() : return 0 if the number of integration points has been excedeed, 1 otherwise

    • VECTOR shape() : return shape vector for the current integration point

    • VECTOR shape_inv() : return ”inverse“ shape vector for the current integration point

    • void get_elem_coord(MATRIX &m) : return int matrix m the elements coordinates

    • void get_position_of_integration_point(VECTOR &v) : return in vector v the coordinate of the current integration point

    • void integrate(T &v, T &tot) : increment tot with the integral contribution associated with the current integration point. T may be double, VECTOR or MATRIX.

    Members : none