Known missing features & bugs#

The parallel features presented in this documentation are still in development and all Z-set  functionalities are not yet available in parallel. This section provides a brief summary of the known missing features at that time (trunk r15608). It does not claim to be exhaustive. Please feel free to complete the list below or inform us that you just identified a missing features. You can contact us using the devel-list ( or directly (christophe.bovet@onera or


Current limitation of all domain decomposition solvers:

  • Not compatible with multiple point constraints (commonly called MPCs, ***equation)

  • Not compatible with contact

  • Not compatible gen_debond if cohesive zone elements are on the interface (if not compiled with -DNEW_DD_SUBDOMAINS).

  • Not compatible if elements across the interface do not share the same number of dofs (if not compiled with -DNEW_DD_SUBDOMAINS).

  • impose_nodal_dof_reaction* gives wrong results if the boundary conditions is imposed on the interface


Current limitation of the parallel post-processing

  • Few global post-processing are available in parallel (feel free to propose an implementation)

  • The glue operation is not compatible with the -mpimpi mode